Governing Body – 2024-2025

Title First Name Surname Governor Type Date of Appointment Date of Re-Appointment End of Office Appointing Body
Ms Nicki Cox Clerk ongoing ongoing FGB
Mrs Elizabeth Worthen Chair of Governors 22/02/23 ongoing ongoing FGB
Mrs  Nicola Hirst Headteacher 01/09/21 ongoing ongoing FGB
Mr John Small Foundation 14/07/23 13/07/27 FGB
Miss Aimee Babbs Foundation 07/02/2021 07/02/2025 FGB
Mrs Joanna Coles Parent 03/02/2022 02/02/2026 FGB
Mrs Kati Ramsden Parent 20/02/2022 19/02/2026 FGB
Mrs Sarah Beaney Staff 26/05/2022 26/05/2026 FGB
Mr John Small None None None None None

Governors’ [and Associate Members] Register of Business Interests


Governor Business Interests 2024-2025

This table summarises the Governors’ [and Associate Members’] declaration forms – which are held in the School Office

2023 - 2024

Governor’s name  Interests Declared Other Educational Establishements Relationships to Staff (Inc spouse, partners, relatives)
Mrs Nicola Hirst Headteacher None None
Miss Aimee Babbs None None None
Mrs Elizabeth Worthen None None None
Mrs Eleanor Warnick None None None
Mrs Joanna Coles None None None
Mrs Sarah Beaney None None None
Mrs Kati Ramsden None None None

Abbreviations:- HT = Headteacher.  AM = Associate Member

Record of Governing Body