Ashford St. Mary's Church of England Primary School

Physical Education


At Ashford St Mary's CE Primary School, we believe that physical education is a vital component of our pupils' holistic development. Grounded in our Christian vision to "enjoy life in all its fullness and shine as lights in the world", our PE curriculum is designed to nurture the mental, physical, and spiritual well-being of every child. Through a diverse range of engaging physical activities, we aim to empower our pupils to become confident, resilient, and active members of our school community and beyond.

Key Aims

Our PE curriculum has three core aims:

  1. To develop physical competence and confident, proficient movers.
  2. To promote a love of physical activity and a healthy, active lifestyle.
  3. To build character, teamwork, and leadership skills that support pupils' personal development.

Content and Skills

Our carefully sequenced PE curriculum ensures that pupils progressively develop a broad range of fundamental movement skills, including locomotion, manipulation, and stabilisation. Pupils will learn to apply these skills in a variety of individual and team-based activities, such as games, gymnastics, dance, and athletics.

Alongside the development of physical skills, we place great emphasis on nurturing positive attitudes towards physical activity. Pupils will learn the importance of sportsmanship, fair play, and perseverance, as well as strategies for managing their own physical and mental well-being.


Throughout Key Stages 1 and 2, our PE curriculum builds upon prior learning to ensure that all pupils can achieve their full potential. In the early years, the focus is on developing fundamental movement skills and a positive disposition towards physical activity. As pupils progress, they will have opportunities to apply their skills in more complex and challenging situations, while also deepening their understanding of health, fitness, and the role of physical activity in their lives.

Wider Impact

By providing a high-quality, inclusive PE curriculum, we aim to equip our pupils with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to lead healthy, active lifestyles. Through their engagement in physical activity, our pupils will develop important personal qualities, such as resilience, teamwork, and leadership, which will support their overall development and prepare them for success in their future education and beyond.

Our implementation of the PE Curriculum

Ashford St Mary’s have chosen to implement the PE curriculum in EYFS and Years 1-6 by using PE Passport, a scheme of work that best matches our intent and provides the implementation and impact that we require. Below is the Intent, Implementation and Impact from  PE Passport and our school’s personalised plan of PE units for each year group across the year.