Ashford St. Mary's Church of England Primary School

Our Church


At Ashford St Mary’s Church of England Primary School we are linked to St Mary’s Church, the Parish Church in Ashford.

We are delighted to have this strong and clear link to our Parish Church. We visit St Mary’s for Christian festivals - Harvest, Easter and Christmas. We hold our Leavers Service there and often different classes visit as part of their RE (Religious Education) learning. 

The Reverend Cannon Doctor Jeremy Worthen often attends Ashford St Mary’s School to lead acts of worship and is a strong part of our school community. 

Our school choirs often support St Mary’s Church by singing at their Mothering Sunday Service and at Christmas Fairs. The church organist, Mr Gipps, is a strong supporter of music at Ashford St Mary’s and shares our love of singing. 

Our Governing Body has Foundation Governors. Foundation governors are appointed to the governing boards of voluntary controlled and voluntary aided schools. This is to preserve the religious character of the school. There are foundation governors in every Church of England school and also in Roman Catholic schools. Together these schools make up more than one third of the state school sector.

St Mary’s Church serves the same area as Ashford St Mary’s C of E Primary School and we like to work together to support those in our care. For example, our school Harvest donations are added to St Mary’s Church donations and given to Fare Share to support those in need in our local area. 

Our Parish Church team will support pupils, families and staff as required and are a source of care, prayer and respite for our school community.