Ashford St. Mary's Church of England Primary School


“Music has a power of forming the character, and should therefore be introduced into the education of the young.”


Our Music Curriculum Intent

At Ashford St Mary’s CE Primary School, we believe that music inspires creativity, enriches the soul and builds confidence and community spirit.  We aim to encourage a lifelong love of music by exposing children to a range of musical opportunities and allowing them to explore a wide variety of genres, historical periods and traditions.  Children develop their skills as musicians and express themselves through music, both individually and together.  They will learn to do this by:

  • listening to and evaluating a wide range of music
  • understanding how music is created
  • singing and using their voices
  • learning a musical instrument
  • creating and composing music on their own and with others


How we implement the Music Curriculum

The music curriculum in Years 1-6 is taught through the Charanga music programme.  This engaging and interactive resource provides a structured music curriculum, as well as a vast library of resources, songs and instrumental courses designed to ensure the step by step progression of skills and knowledge.  Where possible links are drawn between the music curriculum and termly topics to enrich understanding in a wider context. 

Children are taught the different elements of music and terminology in lessons, so that they can respond to and describe pieces of music that they both hear and compose. They play untuned percussion instruments to explore rhythm, beat and tempo and learn tuned instruments, such as the recorder, ocarina and ukulele, to understand pitch and melody.  Musical notation is taught from Year 3 onwards.

Singing is also a vital part of music education at Ashford St Mary’s CE Primary School.  As well as learning songs in class, children take part in weekly singing assemblies and also have opportunities to perform to the wider community throughout the year.  Other options to engage with music are available through various extra curricular music activities such as choirs, ukulele club, recorder club and ocarina club.

Impact of our Music Curriculum

Children’s learning and progress in music will be monitored and assessed throughout their time at Ashford St Mary’s CE Primary School to ensure that National Curriculum standards are met and that music is enriching children’s education as fully as possible. By the time children leave Ashford St Mary’s CE Primary School, they will have gained the musical skills and knowledge to enable them to access music in all its forms.  They will have developed the creativity, confidence and curiosity to continue exploring their musical passions and potential through secondary school and beyond.

Curriculum Links:

Yearly Overview Model Music Curriculum

Progression of Skills and Knowledge y1-6

Musical Vocabulary y1-6

Useful Composition / Improvisation Tools:

Useful Knowledge & Skill Links:


Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra

David Bowie Narrates Disney's Peter And The Wolf (Full)

Saint-Saëns' The Carnival of the Animals with Joanna Lumley and the London Mozart Players

The Instruments of the Orchestra Song

Music History:

Music Composers: Short History of the Greats!

🎶 Music Genres for Kids! | Learn Music Genres | Name That Genre Quiz | Twinkl USA

Well Known Pieces:

50 Classical Music Pieces Everyone Knows - with Titles!

The Planets - Gustav Holst | VISUAL ANIMATION (full suite)

Top songs by Vivaldi ♫ The Four Seasons - Antonio Vivaldi ♪ Classical Music ♫

John Williams & Vienna Philharmonic – Williams: Theme from “Jurassic Park”

Hans Zimmer Pirates Of The Caribbean - Live In Prague