Collective Worship
In Church of England schools, collective worship reflects the traditions of the Church of England and develops learners' understanding of Anglican traditions and practice.
Guidance for collective worship (2021)
Collective worship is the unique heartbeat of a Church school and is offered as part of a wider opportunity for pupils and adults to encounter faith by engaging in conversations about God, both as individuals and together. This document, principally for Church of England schools, draws on our Vision for Education to set out an approach to Collective Worship.
Many schools work with the local vicar and other church members to plan and deliver acts of worship that are invitational, reflective and engaging. There is plenty of flexibility in the provision of collective worship to enable all pupils to benefit without compromising their beliefs.
Collective worship gives pupils and school staff the opportunity to:
- Engage in an act of community.
- Express praise and thanksgiving to God.
- Be still and reflect.
- Explore the big questions of life and respond to national events.
- Foster respect and deepen spiritual awareness.
- Reflect on the character of God and on the teachings of Christ.
- Affirm Christian values and attitudes.
- Share each other's joys and challenges.
- Celebrate special times in the Christian calendar
SIAMS (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools) inspections evaluate the impact of collective worship on the school community and its contribution to the values and ethos of the school.
At Ashford St Mary’s we have an act of worship every day.
Monday - whole school worship lead by Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher or a member of the clergy from St Mary’s Parish.
- Tuesday - Phase Worship
- Wednesday - Singing Worship
- Thursday - Phase Worship
- Friday - Celebration Worship
Our Collective Worship is highly valued and a specified time in the school day where the whole school community gathers together to honour God. It provides an opportunity for our school community to arrive in worship with the right attitude, engage with our own spirituality and Biblical teachings and leave feeling refreshed and inspired.
For us, worship is the ‘heartbeat’ of the school day. It is a time when all can come together to be still and find quietness to reflect on our own spirituality, values and place in the world.
Collective Worship is inclusive in that it welcomes those of Christian faith, other faiths or none. It recognises the collectivity of all participants, making no assumption that all have the same beliefs and values.
Our Worship is invitational and we invite pupils and adults to take part in readings, prayers, singing and reflection. There is no pressure but instead, an atmosphere of invitation and welcome.
Withdrawal from Collective Worship
While Ashford St Mary’s is a Church of England school, we are committed to respecting individual beliefs. Upon entrance to the school, parents are made aware of the Christian basis of our teaching. If parents wish to withdraw their child from Collective Worship then please consult the Headteacher.
We celebrate the cultural diversity of all the members of our school and have a cohesive community. Whilst Collective Worship will always reflect the Christian ethos of our school, we respect and acknowledge the variety of religious observances which are represented in our school and within the wider community. We acknowledge too that there are those of no faith who choose to be part of our school community.
Further information may be found in our Collective Worship Policy.