We see spoken language as the basis of learning across the curriculum and fluency in oral expression is encouraged through meaningful child- and teacher-led experiences from the Early Years. Vocabulary, listening, questioning and thinking skills are developed throughout the school and across the curriculum. We teach phonics through the ReadWriteInc scheme from Year R until children have gained fluency in word reading. Guided Reading sessions then help children develop skills of comprehension across a range of text types. We regularly read aloud and encourage children to borrow individual books from the school library to help them develop a personal love of reading.
In order to help our pupils become proficient writers, spelling, handwriting, grammar and punctuation skills are taught according to the National Curriculum programmes of study for each year group and then applied in purposeful contexts. As pupils progress through the school, they learn to evaluate and improve their writing, developing greater stamina and experience of writing for different purposes.
To find out more about how you can help your child in the early stages of learning to read, visit http://www.ruthmiskin.com/en/parents/